Monday, November 28, 2005

new camera testing

Here are a couple of super-lame test shots just to check out the resolution. I will have to play with it much more over the coming weeks to see what it can really do. Each set is the original and a zoomed/cropped detail.
This is the result me sticking my head out of my front door to see what I could find to take a picture of. All I found was this plant outside of Eric's door.

This would be Adam's spice shrine.
Chili, anyone?

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

My morning

This is my morning ritual and the only way I can stay awake all the way through a thrilling geology lecture. I adore Einstein's.

I actually went to my classes today, but I was pretty much the only one. Ok, there were a few people there, but it was pretty pathetic.

Extreme Dorkitude

This would be Eric and Adam playing with their homemade D&D figurines. Ok, they weren't technically playing in this picture, but still. I've been dying to post it.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


I didn't even mean to take this picture. I was just messing with my phone while we were at Steak N' Shake a few nights ago, and accidentally took this.
It was yummy, by the way.

i do occasionally have fun at work

Top: Keith, wearing the Material Girl costume, which he split down the back when he bent over, and me.
Middle: my beautiful makeup job on Chris. He got screwed.
Bottom: Garrett is a dead ringer for Harry Potter. He put on the Gryffindor robe and the glasses, and I drew a scar on his forehead, and little kids actually asked if they could have their picture taken with him. It was awesome. We're trying to get him to come to the HP party.