Friday, December 30, 2005

Sammy, the cutest kitty in the world!!

museum trip part two

At first there is nothing spectacular about this picture. That's me sitting on the wall thingy behind the Tampa Museum of Art. But I was struck by all the the cool geometric shapes and lines and angles in the picture. I like the way the wall sort of bisects the picture, and the squares of light on the sidewalk mirroring the square holes in the wall. And then there is the design in the sidewalk itself. But my favorite part is the ripples in the water behind the boat, and the way they create a pattern that sort of interacts with the wall.
Well, anyway, I thought it was neat. Good job, Adam.

I've always thought that this was a cool looking building. It reminds me of Legos. I want to put another piece in the top of it, inside of the groove.

I know I look like I'm strung out on bad meds in this picture, but I love how cool the buildings look in the background. Especially the B.O.A. building. It almost looks like it was pasted into the picture.

at the art museum

Outside of the Tampa Museum of Art.

After about half a dozen pathetic attempts to take a picture of myself, this is the best I could come up with. Sigh.

Christmas Eve

Adam and his little sister, Kate, decided to play on the trampoline for a while. Goofiness ensued.

Shoes in motion.

the open road at dawn

Christmas Eve morning

Friday, December 09, 2005


I found out today that animals make very difficult photography subjects. They just won't stay still for the camera, darn it. Especially when they're doing something really cute. And when you finally get one to be good, the others are jumping all over you and tyring to get your attention. Sigh. So, out of about four dozen pictures, I got about half a dozen useable ones. These are a couple of my favorites.

Harley relaxing in the sunshine.

Nugget looking regal.

Nugget pouting because I am making her get off of the bed and go back outside.

Baxter behind bars.

Baxter looking adorable.

I love these dogs!!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

fun with black and white

I actually took these pictures about a year and a half ago using the Rebel. These were actually taken the day after Adam and I got married, as we wandered around St. Augustine. I still like them.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

another nice day, another set of tree pics

I have a very strange obsession with trees.

I don't know why really, but I think that trees are absolutely beautiful. To me, they are the perfect example of nature's beauty. I spend a good deal of my morning drive to school/work admiring the trees that line the roads.
I was especially struck by these trees today:

I thought this tree had such a brilliant color, and it looked even more stunning next to the sky. I couldn't get a good clean shot of the whole thing, so I just took a picture of what I liked: the leaves against the sky.

As I was leaving the mall at dusk, I noticed how pretty this line of bare trees looked silhouetted against the sunset.


In case you were wondering, this is what Adam looks like when he stands behind you while you are sitting at the computer desk, if you were to lean backwards in the chair.
I knew you wanted to know.
Actually, I just think it's cute.

if you want nuts, you want professional quality nuts

Does anyone else think this is a little strange?
Adam and I saw this sign on Saturday.