Saturday, August 26, 2006

eric and erin's wedding

Eric and Erin had a lovely wedding recently. I wish more of my pictures had turned out well, but here are a couple that I liked.

I love the way the intense light washes out the window panes. Oh, and the cake is super cute!

The candles were so pretty as the backdrop to the ceremony. I really wanted to photograph this mantle covered with candles from a million different angles afterward, but I thought I might look kind of creepy, and I was hogging up the prime family photo backdrop, so I only took one angle.

This is Erin as she and Eric are leaving the reception hall.

Yay, Eric and Erin!!

P.S. ... if you happen to go to their professional photographer's gallery to view their pics, check out #709 ... it's me with my ever-present camera!

from june 2006 ... stuff I forgot

These are some miscellaneous photos that I meant to post several weeks ago, but never got around to it. They are from our trip to Boca Grande for Jana and Howell's wedding.

This, my friends, is homemade motion blur. This is un-photoshopped. (Actually, 99% of the pictures I post are unphotoshopped, but mostly because I'm lazy.) Anyway, this was a cool looking tree stump outside of the beach house. Made cooler looking with motion blur. I'm thinking of making it my wallpaper.

This is just some random boat rigging / dock hardware stuff that had such an interesting form ... and notice the contrast of the heavy metal with the wood. Fun stuff.

A lovely picture of the lovely Miss Kate that somehow got left out of the original post of this series of pictures.

from may 2006, part 2

These photos were also taken inside of the state park. A little less nature-y, though.
The fourth one is my favorite.

from may 2006, part 1

These pictures were taken in May in a state park in Tampa, somewhere off of Fletcher I think. Adam, his dad, and myself went for a couple of hours one day in May. I think we plan to go back sometime when the weather is cooler. Anyway, there were plenty of fun things to explore and photograph. The picture below is of a calm, quiet little creek inside the park. The water was pretty cloudy, which gave it an interesting color and let the light reflect in such a pretty way.